I made some lemonade recently- not the juice kind, but the life kind.<img src=”http://static.squarespace.com/static/525345f7e4b05048ea3950f4/t/5273ffd9e4b01beaee41dc67/1383333849668/Kim%20business.jpg” alt=”Kim...
Do you find yourself taking care of others and feeling frustrated? Do you worry about how others are going to make it if you do not help them? Do you feel drained by how much you do for others? If you answered yes to those questions, you might be a codependent. My...
Every New Year’s I review what happened in the previous year and contemplate what I want for the rest of this year. I read that the 3rd week of January is when many people wane on their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do engage in a...
This is the time of the year that we are bombarded with messages of the holidays. Besides being a time of joy, it can be a time of resentment and frustration. There are many messages that we can carry regarding expectations for the season. Messages such as: “I have to...
Each holiday, I read online posts from people concerned about overeating during this holiday. There is a worry about not being able to say no to those yummy goodies and treats. Holidays can be a particular struggle for those who tend to overeat. Maybe you have lost...