It’s the most wonderful time of the year right?
Even though that is what the song says, it is not always that way. You might be feeling blue for many reasons: you might feel upset since a recent breakup occurred or a death in the family, or your holiday does not look like the Hallmark movies.
I have focused on the difficulties around food and the holidays in many of my recent podcasts and blog, but I have not talked much about the emotional difficulties that show up this time of year. If you are feeling blue this holiday, my most recent podcast is for you. Even if you are not feeling blue, the holidays can bring up unexpected difficult feelings.
Are you a member of the Feed Your Soul Community?
Over the next few weeks I am going to be hoping onto the Feed Your Soul Community page to have some Facebook Live broadcasts about the holidays, food and give you some quick and helpful survival tips. If you are not a member, this would be a good time to join. The group is free, supportive and full of good cheer. Be sure to join now!
This week the Feed Your Soul with Kim Podcast focuses on inviting peace in your life. Be sure to listen. I would appreciate it if you could like the podcast, subscribe to it and leave a review. This helps the podcast become more findable by others.
Episode 31– Holiday Blues
In this episode, we look at holiday blues, which is different than holiday stress. Just because we are “supposed” to feel happy over the holidays, doesn’t mean that we always feel that way. There are things you can do to move through the holiday season even when you are feeling blue.
In this podcast we discuss:
- What are 5 signs of Holiday Blues?
- Learn the 7 typical causes of Holiday Blues.
- Get into action with 10 different activities that can help with Holiday Blues.
The Feed Your Soul with Kim Podcast is available on your favorite podcast platform.
These podcasts are quick (usually no more than 30 minutes) and each gives you a doable at the end to feel like you really accomplished something.