When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

I made some lemonade recently- not the juice kind, but the life kind.<img src=”http://static.squarespace.com/static/525345f7e4b05048ea3950f4/t/5273ffd9e4b01beaee41dc67/1383333849668/Kim%20business.jpg” alt=”Kim...

Map Out the New Year

Every New Year’s I review what happened in the previous year and contemplate what I want for the rest of this year. I read that the 3rd week of January is when many people wane on their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do engage in a...

A Guide to Thriving over the Holidays

This is the time of the year that we are bombarded with messages of the holidays. Besides being a time of joy, it can be a time of resentment and frustration. There are many messages that we can carry regarding expectations for the season. Messages such as: “I have to...

Concerned about Holiday Overeating?

Each holiday, I read online posts from people concerned about overeating during this holiday. There is a worry about not being able to say no to those yummy goodies and treats. Holidays can be a particular struggle for those who tend to overeat. Maybe you have lost...

Scared about overeating Halloween candy?

I used to be really afraid of Halloween and not because of the ghosts and goblins. I was afraid to have Halloween candy in my house. I was afraid I would eat the candy before the Trick or Treaters came around. My solution was to make other plans on Halloween. Many...