So many people struggle with eating issues whether they are binge eaters, emotional eaters or not. This struggle begs the question, what is “normal eating?” Below is a good check list (given to me by Mary McCloy RN, LMFT) to see if you are a normal eater.
1) Go to the table hungry and eat until satisfied.
2) Eat nutritious foods, but don’t be restrictive.
3) Eat 3 meals a day or 4-5 or eat all day long. You decide.
4) Leave the food/table when you don’t want more.
5) Food does not take up all of your time/energy, except when you are eating.
6) You eat and then you are done. You don’t think about eating again until you are hungry.
I had never thought about how a “normal eater” eats. You might find there could be more added to this list or some you do not agree with. The point is that eating is very individual and normal is also individually interpreted. I do know that “normal eating” involves a lack of obsession and compulsion and a lack of constant vigilance. It is a process of nourishing your body. If this is tough for you to do, it could be time to seek support.
Kim McLaughlin, is a motivational coach helping people who struggle with binge eating. Kim offers a free 15 minute phone consultation to determine if her services might fit your needs. You can contact Kim McLaughlin at 916-847-8053 or email her here.
Sign up for Kim’s Free Report called Strategies to End Binge Eating here.