Food Freedom: Mindfulness

Food Freedom: Mindfulness

Today, I want to really focus more in on what it means in our body and in our mind to be mindful what that would look like.  Why would we want to be mindful?  Being mindful/mindfulness is one of the best ways to reduce stress.  The other thing that mindfulness does is...
Food Freedom: Emotional Eating

Food Freedom: Emotional Eating

This is the second blog in a series focused on Food Freedom. The first in our series looked at the Diet Mindset and how it sets you up for failure.  In talking about Emotional Eating, it is helpful to determine if you are one. Right?  Here are some definitions to help...
Food Freedom: Diet Mindset

Food Freedom: Diet Mindset

To get true food freedom, we need to explore why you diet and how diets have affected you AND failed you.  First, let’s start with the facts  It is predicted that the Global market for the weight loss industry will grow from $254.9 billion in 2021 to $377.3 billion by...
It is all about the Love

It is all about the Love

What is the most important love? Self-love is the most important kind of love available. We often look at love of a partner, family and friends AND leave out the most important person= YOU. I wrote a whole chapter about Self-Love in my book: Feed Your Soul; Nourish...
What Happens When We Don’t Focus on Gratitude?

What Happens When We Don’t Focus on Gratitude?

When some people think of gratitude, they think of the Thanksgiving holiday. But to focus on gratitude we must move the conversation beyond the annual holiday. It must be a way of life, which can have a deep impact on you.  Just as gratitude can have a positive effect...