Fitness as a tool to help end emotional eating

Many women tell me they are not motivated to exercise, they do not want to sweat or they are too busy. Exercise is an important tool to end overeating. I spent some time with Denise Rhyne, coach at Kaia Roseville. I asked her the questions I hear from so many...

Balancing Point

At my gym there is this piece of equipment called a Bosu; a large half ball-half round platform that you balance on when you are performing different exercises. You can stand on the ball portion with the flat side down and as you stabilize your feet do exercise such...

Spring Cleaning: Let it Go!

I have a confession. There are clothes in my closet that I have not worn in many, many years. I look at them most days and move through to the next article of clothing that I know I will want to wear. Having clothing that I do not wear can be an energy drain, like...

Map Out the New Year

Every New Year’s I review what happened in the previous year and contemplate what I want for the rest of this year. I read that the 3rd week of January is when many people wane on their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do engage in a...

What is a Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder has been officially recognized now in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V- (DSMV). The DSM is a manual used by clinicians to classify mental health disorders. Binge Eating Disorder has been renamed as an actual disorder, rather than the...