Derail the Holiday Cravings: Lessen the Stress

This time of year is full of opportunities for food to be in our faces (literally and figuratively). I find it is the time when we can feel out of control with food, because of all the company parties, family get togethers, candy bowls and the special holiday food....

Join me at Sacramento Women’s Expo on 10/22 at 11am

Have you heard about the Sacramento Women’s Expo? It is a great event by women for women. Great speakers all day long on topics all women need to know (I am one of the speakers!), as well as exhibits you need to check out. Join me at the Sacramento Women’s...

Twinkies and Mindful Eating

A few years ago I found on my Facebook feed a video posted by Jean Fain (an expert in mindful eating) of a woman eating a Twinkie. I am not going to get into any debate whether Twinkies are food or not, but the video is a good example of mindfully eating something...

Summer Strategy: End Emotional Eating

Last summer, I wrote on the blog a strategy to end emotional eating by having a Summer Bucket List. It was an opportunity for me to declare what I wanted to accomplish over the summer so I could then know I “got something done.”  I put many items on my...

What is Emotional Eating?

I get asked this all the time, “How do I know if I am an emotional eater?” It is a question that is personal and individual. It can be hard to know. I think of emotional eating as a puzzle with many pieces. Here are some of the clues for you to see what emotional...