What is a Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge eating disorder has been officially recognized now in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V- (DSMV). The DSM is a manual used by clinicians to classify mental health disorders. Binge Eating Disorder has been renamed as an actual disorder, rather than the...
End Emotional Eating While on Vacation

End Emotional Eating While on Vacation

  I have been thinking a lot about vacations lately: hearing stories about others’ vacations as well as planning my own. Food issues can arise for people who struggle with emotional eating when they are out of their normal routine and away from home. Sometimes a...

What is Normal Eating?

So many people struggle with eating issues whether they are binge eaters, emotional eaters or not. This struggle begs the question, what is “normal eating?” Below is a good check list (given to me by Mary McCloy RN, LMFT) to see if you are a normal eater. 1)      Go...

This Mother’s Day: Ask For What You Want

This year for Mother’s Day I decided I would ask for what I want. I was specific about the whole thing: where I want to go, what I want to do, and where I want to eat. I have morning, noon, and night mapped out. Normally I go with the flow and do not get so specific....