Derail the Holiday Cravings: Lessen the Stress

This time of year is full of opportunities for food to be in our faces (literally and figuratively). I find it is the time when we can feel out of control with food, because of all the company parties, family get togethers, candy bowls and the special holiday food....

Concerned About Holiday Stress Eating?

Most people have an expectation to enjoy the holidays and, sadly, this is not necessarily the outcome for many. In response to the stress of the season, some use food to deal with their stress. Here are some tips to thrive over the holiday season without using food to...

Ending Emotional Eating: Leftover Halloween candy

 I just saw a video from Jimmy Kimmel of an annual prank where he encourages parents to video themselves telling their kids that they ate all of the kids Halloween candy. I must admit it was funny to see the kids have such expressive (sad, mad) reactions. It also made...

Building Healthy Eating and Fitness into the Holiday

Over the holidays many people talk about consciously overeating and putting on a “few pounds.”  Then they vow to start their diet on January 1. This can lead to a pattern of overeating, gaining weight, dieting and then overeating. This pattern, typical...

Map Out the New Year

Every New Year’s I review what happened in the previous year and contemplate what I want for the rest of this year. I read that the 3rd week of January is when many people wane on their New Year’s resolutions. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I do engage in a...

A Guide to Thriving over the Holidays

This is the time of the year that we are bombarded with messages of the holidays. Besides being a time of joy, it can be a time of resentment and frustration. There are many messages that we can carry regarding expectations for the season. Messages such as: “I have to...